Your support can help us provide all kinds of free services to students of all ages. Projectivity receives funding from all different sources including private grants, city and state government funding, and most importantly – individual contributions. See below for examples of what a single donation can provide.

Click on the amount to make tax-deductible donation. To really make an impact, consider becoming an official sponsor by scrolling down and selecting a larger contribution. For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

$10 gets 2 Metrocards for free transportation for students

$25 provides 1 student a free art lesson and supplies

$50 purchases 2 hours of recording studio time for youth musicians

$100 provides art supplies for a class of 10 students

Support our Cause - Become a Donor!

Continued financial support is vital to hosting more FREE programs, creating more public art, and organizing our community events. Sponsorship levels are listed below. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Projectivity is a 501c(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductable. For questions or sponsorship details contact


  • Custom art print from Projectivity artist
  • Mentioned as a Donor in our 2019 Newsletter
  • Handwritten thank you note from Projectivity staff


  • All items included in Pro Level sponsorship
  • Basic sponsorship level of the 2019 PRO-Action Fundraiser – includes logo placement on deliverables, press release mentions, social media announcements
  • 2 Tickets to the 2019 PRO-Action Fundraiser


  • All items included in the Bronze Level sponsorship
  • Basic sponsorship of all programs and projects included in our 2019 calendar – includes logo on all deliverables (5000+ flyers)
  • Basic sponsorship of the 2019 PRO-Action Fundraiser AND 2019 Musication Music & Arts Festival – includes logo placement on deliverables including official recap video and step and repeat photo banner, press release mentions, social media announcements
  • 5 Tickets to the 2019 PRO-Action Fundraiser


  • All items included in the Silver Level sponsorship
  • Official top-tier “Sponsored by” language for all major 2019 Projectivity events including the 3rd Annual PRO-Action Fundraiser and our 7th Annual Musication Music & Arts Festival – includes logo on all deliverables including recap video video and step and repeat photo banner, business description and contact in printed programs, option of banner hanging and table promotion at all major events mentioned in all press releases, social media announcements
  • 1 Guest Table (10 seats) at the 3rd Annual PRO-Action Fundraiser
  • Formal recognition on website as official Gold Level Projectivity Sponsor


  • All items included in the Gold Level sponsorship
  • Official top-tier “Sponsored by” language for all projects and programs included in our 2019 calendar – includes logo on all deliverables (5000+ flyers), banner hanging and table promotion at all final events for each project (at least 5 public programs/projects), mentioned in all press releases, monthly social media announcements
  • Recognition of Sponsorship Level with Company branding painted or hung in our main class site, Project Lab, for all of 2019, along with company literature left in main area next to Projectivity brochures
  • Formal recognition on website as official Platinum Level Projectivity Sponsor


  • All items included in Platinum level Sponsorship
  • Company logo added to all Projectivity banners displayed at all 2019 events, including all table vending opportunities
  • 1 Professionally produced 1-2 minute highlight video for your business/organization
  • 1 customized hand-painted mural or canvas with corporate logo and branding (up to 8×8 ft.)